Medical ultrasound imaging is an ongoing research field for digital signal processing. Following decades of developement in the analogue domain, the introduction of high power computation has led to increased activity and research in the fields of digital signal processing, and, most recently, in machine learning, for the sake of delivering higher quality im...
Greetings from the National Science Foundation (NSF)! We are honored to be invited to contribute to this inaugural column of “Funding IT” for BITS. The Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) Core Solicitation -- NSF20-6161 -- was released in September 2021. The CISE Core encompasses [...]
This is an annual column that recognizes IEEE- and IEEE society-level awards given to the members of our community. This contains a brief description of the awards while more details are featured in the Newsletter. We congratulate all [...]
This is the first of a series of interviews, named Friends in Comment, where I share conversations with friends and colleagues in areas related to ours. This first interview is with Regina Barzilay. Regina is currently [...]
In this article, we commemorate Joy Thomas, who sadly passed away in 2020. Joy is best known for his seminal textbook Elements of Information Theory, coauthored with his Ph.D. advisor the late Thomas Cover. We also catalog some of Joy’s [...]