Online: 2020 European School of Information Theory

Online: 2020 European School of Information Theory

The 2020 European School of Information Theory was originally planned for May 2020 but is now held as an online-only, virtual event from November 23-27, 2020.


The 2020 School

The annual European School of Information Theory (ESIT) is an educational event, organized by the IEEE Information Theory Society (ITSoc), that brings together graduate students, postdocs and researchers from institutes throughout Europe and beyond. Its objective is to provide participants with the opportunity (i) to learn from distinguished lecturers giving long-format tutorials, (ii) to present their own work to obtain feedback and to start up collaborations, (iii) to hear about applications of information theory in industry, and (iv) to participate in a stimulating and inviting forum of scientists.

In 2020, the school will be held online as a virtual school. Our aim is to preserve as much of the community experience as possible through moderated interactive Q&A sessions and virtual poster sessions.

Since ESIT2020 is going to be the only ITSoc school in 2020 we would be very happy to welcome many participants from all over the world!

2020 school Image


The 2020 school covers topics such as coding (polar and algebraic), machine learning, private information retrieval, and quantum information theory. The tutorial lectures are given by the following speakers:

Alexios Balatsoukas-Stimming (Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Netherlands)

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Jakob Hoydis (Nokia Bell Labs Paris-Saclay, France)

Sennur Ulukus (University of Maryland, USA)

Ayfer Özgür (Stanford University, USA, 2020 IEEE ITSoc Goldsmith Lecturer)

David Sutter (IBM Research Rüschlikon, Switzerland)

Besides the tutorial lectures, two short lectures will be given by:

Reinhard Heckel (Technical University of Munich, Germany)

Laurent Schmalen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)


School Website

More information on the school (such as the lecture titles, information on the virtual poster sessions), the conference tool and the registration fees can be found on the school website:



Prospective participants are encouraged to create an account for the registration page in order to receive up to date information on the virtual school. Registration will open on October 12, 2020. The registration page is:



The school is co-organized by Stephan ten Brink and Christian Senger, any questions can be directed to: esit2020@inue.uni-stuttgart.


Photo credit: Adobe Stock