Conference call to attend BoG remotely

This page provide information on how to attend the BoG remotely by conf call.

There is a possibility of attending the BoG remotely via Skype.

Alex Vardy will graciously allow connection to his laptop and a monitor for interactive video communication will be set-up.

This is an experiment, and technical glitches may occur ... so, be forgiving.

For all those interested in attending the BoG remotely, please

Committee members 32473

Monash University

Dept. of Electrical & Computer Systems Engineering (ECSE)
Rm G09, Bld 35, Wellington Rd, Clayton, Melbourne, VIC3800, Australia
P: +61 3 99053473

Committee members 32682

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Duke University

Mailing Address:

Gross Hall, Room 317

140 Science Drive


NC 27708-0984

Phone Number: 919-613-7874

Committee members 31830

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Campinas - Unicamp
Av. Albert Einstein, 400
Cidade Universitária
Campinas, SP - 13083-852
