BITS Editor Help

Populate a New Issue

Create a New Issue

Before any articles can be added to an issue, an issue must be created.

  1. Add New Content > BITS Issue
  2. Required fields:
    1. Title: Follows the format "Fall 2021 — Issue 1, Volume 1"
    2. Body: something like "The inaugural issue of IEEE BITS the Information Theory Magazine" but longer and more descriptive would be nice. 
    3. Image: This is the cover image
    4. Xplore Link.  Static link to the issue on Xplore
  3. Click Save

Create an Article 

For each article, use Add New Content > BITS Article:

  1. Title: Same title as Xplore
  2. Issue: The Issue created in the previous step.
  3. Abstract: Copy from Xplore
  4. Body.  Generally the body is empty (Use for content which is on the website but not Xplore).
  5. Image: Suitable image for display
  6. Xplore Link: Link to the article on Xplore.

Add a CFP

To add a CFP:

  1. Login to and go to the JSAIT Call for Papers page or BITS Call for Papers page.
  2. Choose Layout from the left-side menu.
  3. Find the pencil icon and choose Configure (see image below)
  4. Scroll to the bottom and choose "Add Content teaser card"
  5. Enter your data, upload the file.
  6. Change the sort index to -1 (this puts it at the top of the list).  If you don't see a number, then click "Show Row Weights" at the top of the window.
  7. Click Update at bottom of window.
  8. Click Save Layout at top of window. 

Image removed.
Choose Layout from left-side menu


Image removed.
Find the pencil icon and choose Configure


Image removed.
Add a new CFP item: Add Content teaser card


Image removed.
Put at the top of the list: sort index = -1


Image removed.
Can't see the numbers?  Click on Show row weights


Editoral Board

The BITS Magazine editorial committees cannot be edited directly from that page.  To edit:

To add a person:

  • Add a person to either of the above committees: Committee members (Committee = "BITS Magazine Editorial Board" or "Information Theory Magazine Steering Committee")

BITS Column Graphics

Index of the BITS Column Graphics Image removed.

Add a new BITS Column Graphic temporarily:

  1. Go to Structure > Taxonomy > BITS magazine column category
  2. Add term
  3. Enter the name
  4. The logo image should be a PNG with a transparent background:Image removed.

To make this permanent, ask the developer to copy these changes to the master database (this is because Taxonomy is part of the site configuration, which will be overwritten the next time the site is updated). 

    BITS Issue Page

    The text "This Issue's Columns" is static, the same for all issues, but can be changed. Navigate to Structure > Content type > BITS Issue > Manage Display > Full Content > Manage Layout