The ITSOC Distinguished Lecturer Program (DLP) was established promote interest in information theory by supporting chapters who wish to invite prominent information theory researchers to give talks at their events. Slides from some previous Distinguished Lectures have been generously provided by the Lecturers and are now available on the new DLP site .
The Membership Committee wishes to encourage chapters to take advantage of the DLP: the Society can help cover some of the expense of inviting a Lecturer. Chapters can
If the MC Committee accepts the request and if the Distinguished Lecturer accepts the invitation, the MC Committee Chair will approve a Distinguished Lecturer event with an appropriate level of expense reimbursement (usually partial travel costs).Distinguished Lecturers generally serve for two years. The current list of lecturers and their terms are given below.
Alexandros Dimakis (2015-2016)
Gerhard Kramer
Andrea Montanari
Henry Pfister
Emina Soljanin
Suhas Diggavi (2016-2017)
Babak Hassibi (2016-2017)
Olgica Milenkovic (2016-2017)
Ron M. Roth (2016-2017)
Martin J. Wainwright (2016-2017)