A Tighter Approximation Guarantee for Greedy Minimum Entropy Coupling
Spencer Compton
Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, June 2022


We examine the minimum entropy coupling problem, where one must find the minimum entropy variable that has a given set of distributions S = {p 1 ,…,p m } as its marginals. Although this problem is NP-Hard, previous works have proposed algorithms with varying approximation guarantees. In this paper, we show that the greedy coupling algorithm of [Kocaoglu et al., AAAI’17] is always within log 2 (e) (≈ 1.44) bits of the minimum entropy coupling. In doing so, we show that the entropy of the greedy coupling is upper-bounded by H(⋀S) + log 2 (e). This improves the previously best known approximation guarantee of 2 bits within the optimal [Li, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory ’21]. Moreover, we show our analysis is tight by constructing sets of distributions where the entropy of the minimum entropy coupling can be arbitrarily close to H(⋀S) + log 2 (e). Additionally, we examine a special class of instances where the greedy coupling algorithm is exactly optimal.