Membership Committee

The Membership Committee shall consist of the 2nd Vice-President of the Society, who shall serve as Chair, the Chair of the Student and Outreach Activities Subcommittee, the Chair of the Schools Subcommittee, a Chapters Liaison, and a WIThITS (Women in the Information Theory Society) Liaison. The Chapters Liaison will be appointed by the 2nd Vice-President in consultation with the Nominations and Appointments Committee, and with the approval of the Board. The WIThITS Liaison shall be appointed by the 2nd Vice-President in consultation with WIThITS and with the approval of the Board. Typically members of the committee will serve a two-year term.

The Subcommittees of the Membership Committee shall include: Student and Outreach Subcommittee, Schools Subcommittee.

In addition to the activities of the Subcommittees, the Membership Committee shall be responsible for maintaining up to date membership records. It shall respond to membership inquiries and shall periodically ascertain the opinions of the membership with regard to Society policies and activities. The Membership Committee shall recommend measures for disseminating information about the Society and for encouraging interest in Society activities among prospective members.

Under the leadership of the Chapter Liaison, the Membership Committee shall be responsible for maintaining a roster of Chapter officers, and a summary of current Chapter activities. The Committee will also decide on the Chapter of the Year Award, The Membership Committee is also responsible for the operation of the Society's Distinguished Lecture Program, and for selection of the Society's Distinguished Lecturers, Padovani Lecturers and Goldsmith Lecturers.

Members By Year
