WITHITS Event 2010


In 2010 the WITHITS annual event took place on June 16, during the IEEE Symposium of Information Theory (ISIT). Our speakers were four well respected members from our community (Prof. G. Wornell from MIT, Prof. A. El Gamal from Stanford, Prof. B. Hajek from UIUC and Prof. A. Orlitsky from UCSD). Each gave a short 10 minute presentation about the work of a woman in our field of their selection. The motivation was to promote the fact that women have also made significant technical contributions in our field. The talks were interesting technically, but also inspiring and motivating. We are grateful to our speakers for taking the time and effort out of their very busy schedule to prepare these talks. The slides are available at http://withits.epfl.ch/events/2010isit , and a related article will be submitted the Information Theory Newsletter in the Fall.
