Resources on Information Theory

Information about journals, survey articles, and course materials on information theory.

There are many resources available to learn more about information theory, geared towards a variety of audiences.

The 100th anniversary of the birth of Claude Shannon , the founder of Information Theory, was recently, and a number of events geared towards the public were held around the world.

Distinguished Lecturer Program

The IT Society Distinguished Lecturer Program is designed to promote  interest in information theory by supporting chapters who wish to invite prominent information theory researchers to give talks at their events. 

Journals and Surveys

In addition to the IT Society's publications , including our flagship journal, the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory , there are several other journals whose topics include information theory.

Survey articles on information theory are a great way to learn about more specialized topics at an introductory level.

Courses and Lecture Notes

There are a number of publicly available courses and lecture notes on information theory. These links are provided as a resource but are not officially endorsed by ITSOC.