Shannon Bounds for Quadratic Rate-Distortion Problems

Submitted by admin on Sat, 09/21/2024 - 08:45
The Shannon lower bound has been the subject of several important contributions by Berger. This paper surveys Shannon bounds on rate-distortion problems under mean-squared error distortion with a particular emphasis on Berger’s techniques. Moreover, as a new result, the Gray-Wyner network is added to the canon of settings for which such bounds are known. In the Shannon bounding technique, elegant lower bounds are expressed in terms of the source entropy power.

Computation of Binary Arithmetic Sum Over an Asymmetric Diamond Network

Submitted by admin on Tue, 09/03/2024 - 08:45
In this paper, the problem of zero-error network function computation is considered, where in a directed acyclic network, a single sink node is required to compute with zero error a function of the source messages that are separately generated by multiple source nodes. From the information-theoretic point of view, we are interested in the fundamental computing capacity, which is defined as the average number of times that the function can be computed with zero error for one use of the network.

Low-Complexity Coding Techniques for Cloud Radio Access Networks

Submitted by admin on Thu, 08/29/2024 - 08:45
The problem of coding for the uplink and downlink of cloud radio access networks (C-RAN’s) with K users and L relays is considered. It is shown that low-complexity coding schemes that achieve any point in the rate-fronthaul region of joint coding and compression can be constructed starting from at most 4(K+L)-2 point-to-point codes designed for symmetric channels. This reduces the seemingly hard task of constructing good codes for C-RAN’s to the much better understood task of finding good codes for single-user channels.

The Importance of Channel Coding in Modern Applications

Submitted by elsa.dupraz@im… on Thu, 07/25/2024 - 09:08

In the digital age, the seamless transmission of data is critical to the functioning of various technologies we rely on daily. From the internet and mobile communications to satellite broadcasts and data storage, the integrity and reliability of data transmission play a vital role. At the heart of ensuring this reliability lies a crucial concept known as channel coding. This blog post delves into the importance of channel coding and its impact on many applications.

JPEG Compliant Compression for DNN Vision

Submitted by admin on Fri, 07/05/2024 - 08:45
Conventional image compression techniques are primarily developed for the human visual system. However, with the extensive use of deep neural networks (DNNs) for computer vision, more and more images will be consumed by DNN-based intelligent machines, which makes it crucial to develop image compression techniques customized for DNN vision while being JPEG compliant. In this paper, we revisit the JPEG rate distortion theory for DNN vision. First, we propose a novel distortion measure, dubbed the sensitivity weighted error (SWE), for DNN vision.

Throughput and Latency Analysis for Line Networks With Outage Links

Submitted by admin on Wed, 06/26/2024 - 08:45
Wireless communication links suffer from outage events caused by fading and interference. To facilitate a tractable analysis of network communication throughput and latency, we propose an outage link model to represent a communication link in the slow fading phenomenon. For a line-topology network with outage links, we study three types of intermediate network node schemes: random linear network coding, store-and-forward, and hop-by-hop retransmission. We provide the analytical formulas for the maximum throughputs and the end-to-end latency for each scheme.