Covert Capacity of Bosonic Channels

Submitted by admin on Tue, 06/11/2024 - 01:30
We investigate the quantum-secure covert-communication capabilities of lossy thermal-noise bosonic channels, the quantum-mechanical model for many practical channels. We determine the expressions for the covert capacity of these channels: Lno-EA, when Alice and Bob share only a classical secret, and LEA, when they benefit from entanglement assistance. We find that entanglement assistance alters the fundamental scaling law for covert communication.

Quantum Information Processing: An Essential Primer

Submitted by admin on Tue, 06/11/2024 - 01:30
Quantum information science is an exciting, wide, rapidly progressing, cross-disciplinary field, and that very nature makes it both attractive and hard to enter. In this primer, we first provide answers to the three essential questions that any newcomer needs to know: How is quantum information represented? How is quantum information processed? How is classical information extracted from quantum states?

How Quantum Information Can Improve Social Welfare

Submitted by admin on Tue, 06/11/2024 - 01:30
It is known that quantum resources can allow us to achieve a family of equilibria that can have sometimes a better social welfare, while guaranteeing privacy. We use graph games to propose a way to build non-cooperative games from graph states, and we show how to achieve an unlimited improvement with quantum advice compared to classical advice.

Entanglement-Enabled Communication

Submitted by admin on Tue, 06/11/2024 - 01:30
We introduce and analyse a multiple-access channel with two senders and one receiver, in the presence of i.i.d. noise coming from the environment. Partial side information about the environmental states allows the senders to modulate their signals accordingly. An adversarial jammer with its own access to information on environmental states and the modulation signals can jam a fraction of the transmissions.

On the Second-Order Asymptotics of the Partially Smoothed Conditional Min-Entropy & Application to Quantum Compression

Submitted by admin on Tue, 06/11/2024 - 01:30
Recently, Anshu et al. introduced “partially” smoothed information measures and used them to derive tighter bounds for several information-processing tasks, including quantum state merging and privacy amplification against quantum adversaries [IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 66, 5022 (2020)]. Yet, a tight second-order asymptotic expansion of the partially smoothed conditional min-entropy in the i.i.d. setting remains an open question.

Toward Undetectable Quantum Key Distribution Over Bosonic Channels

Submitted by admin on Tue, 06/11/2024 - 01:30
We propose a protocol based on pulse-position modulation and multi-level coding that allows one to bootstrap traditional quantum key distribution protocols while ensuring covertness, in the sense that no statistical test by the adversary can detect the presence of communication over the quantum channel better than a random guess. When run over a bosonic channel, our protocol can leverage existing discrete-modulated continuous-variable protocols.

Erasable Bit Commitment From Temporary Quantum Trust

Submitted by admin on Tue, 06/11/2024 - 01:30
We introduce a new setting for two-party cryptography by introducing the notion of temporarily trusted third parties. These third parties act honest-but-curious during the execution of the protocol. Once the protocol concludes and the trust period expires, these third parties may collaborate with an adversarial party. We implement a variant of the cryptographic primitive of bit commitment in this setting, which we call erasable bit commitment. In this primitive, the sender has the choice of either opening or erasing her commitment after the commit phase.

Non-Additivity in Classical-Quantum Wiretap Channels

Submitted by admin on Tue, 06/11/2024 - 01:30
Due to Csiszár and Körner, the private capacity of classical wiretap channels has a single-letter characterization in terms of the private information. For quantum wiretap channels, however, it is known that regularization of the private information is necessary to reach the capacity. Here, we study hybrid classical-quantum wiretap channels in order to resolve to what extent quantum effects are needed to witness non-additivity phenomena in quantum Shannon theory.