Functional Broadcast Repair of Multiple Partial Failures in Wireless Distributed Storage Systems

Submitted by admin on Fri, 10/25/2024 - 05:30

We consider a distributed storage system with $n$ nodes, where a user can recover the stored file from any $k$ nodes, and study the problem of repairing $r$ partially failed nodes. We consider broadcast repair, that is, $d$ surviving nodes transmit broadcast messages on an error-free wireless channel to the $r$ nodes being repaired, which are then used, together with the surviving data in the local memories of the failed nodes, to recover the lost content.

Reliable Coded Caching Design Over Wireless Networks

Submitted by admin on Fri, 10/25/2024 - 05:30

In this paper, we will show how to interpret the coded caching design from error control coding perspective. It is shown that, when the cached and non-cached contents in the placement phase is thought of as the shortened system packets and the punctured system packets, respectively, while those coded contents transmitted in the delivery phase specify the parity packets, the coded caching design can be reformulated as a collaborative error control coding problem.

On Streaming Codes With Unequal Error Protection

Submitted by admin on Fri, 10/25/2024 - 05:30

Error control codes for real-time interactive applications such as audio and video streaming must operate under strict delay constraints and be resilient to burst losses. Previous works have characterized optimal streaming codes that guarantee perfect and timely recovery of all source packets when the burst loss is below a certain maximum threshold. In this work, we generalize the notion of streaming codes to the unequal error protection (UEP) setting. Toward this end, we define two natural notions of streaming codes; symbol-level UEP and packet-level UEP.

Structured Index Coding Problem and Multi-Access Coded Caching

Submitted by admin on Fri, 10/25/2024 - 05:30

Index coding and coded caching are two active research topics in information theory with strong ties to each other. Motivated by the multi-access coded caching problem, we study a new class of structured index coding problems (ICPs) which are formed by the union of several symmetric ICPs. We derive upper and lower bounds on the optimal server transmission rate for this class of ICPs and demonstrate that they differ by at most a factor of two.

Content Delivery Over Broadcast Erasure Channels With Distributed Random Cache

Submitted by admin on Fri, 10/25/2024 - 05:30

We study the content delivery problem between a transmitter and two receivers through erasure links, when each receiver has access to some random side-information about the files requested by the other user. The random side-information is cached at the receiver via the decentralized content placement. The distributed nature of the receiving terminals may also make it harder for the transmitter to learn the erasure state of the two links and indices of the cached files.

Multiparty Interactive Coding Over Networks of Intersecting Broadcast Links

Submitted by admin on Fri, 10/25/2024 - 05:30

We consider computations over networks with multiple broadcast channels that intersect at a single party. Each broadcast link suffers from random bit-flip noise that affects the receivers independently. We design interactive coding schemes that successfully perform any computation over these noisy networks and strive to reduce their communication overhead with respect to the original (noiseless) computation.

Network Coding With Myopic Adversaries

Submitted by admin on Fri, 10/25/2024 - 05:30

We consider the problem of reliable communication over a network containing a hidden myopic adversary who can eavesdrop on some $z_{ro}$ links, jam some $z_{wo}$ links, and do both on some $z_{rw}$ links. We provide the first information-theoretically tight characterization of the optimal rate of communication possible under all possible settings of the tuple $(z_{ro},z_{wo},z_{rw})$ by providing a novel coding scheme/analysis for a subset of parameter regimes.

Benefits of Edge Caching With Coded Placement for Asymmetric Networks and Shared Caches

Submitted by admin on Fri, 10/25/2024 - 05:30

This paper considers a cache-aided network where the users have access to helper-caches with heterogeneous sizes. First, coded placement schemes are proposed that exploit the heterogeneity in cache sizes when one user is connected to each cache. In the proposed scheme, the unicast/multicast signals intended to serve users connected to small memories are utilized in decoding the contents of the larger memories.

Blind Updates in Coded Caching

Submitted by admin on Fri, 10/25/2024 - 05:30

We consider the centralized coded caching system where a library of files is available at the server and their subfiles are cached at the clients as prescribed by a placement delivery array (PDA). We are interested in the problem where a specific file in the library is replaced with a new file at the server, the contents of which are correlated with the file being replaced, and this change needs to be communicated to the caches.

An Update-Based Maximum Column Distance Coding Scheme for Index Coding

Submitted by admin on Fri, 10/25/2024 - 05:30

In this paper, we propose a new scalar linear coding scheme for the index coding problem called update-based maximum column distance (UMCD) coding scheme. The central idea in each transmission is to code messages such that one of the receivers with the minimum size of side information is instantaneously eliminated from unsatisfied receivers.