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Aaron D. Wyner Distinguished Service Award
The Aaron D. Wyner Distinguished Service Award honors an individual who has shown outstanding leadership in, and provided long-standing, exceptional service to, the Information Theory community.
Claude E. Shannon Award
The Claude E. Shannon Award is the highest honor from the IEEE Information Theory Society. The award has been instituted to honor consistent and profound contributions to the field of information theory.
Communications Society & Information Theory Society Joint Paper Award
The Communications Society & Information Theory Society Joint Paper Award recognizes outstanding papers that lie at the intersection of communications and information theory.
Goldsmith Lecturer
The Goldsmith Lecturer Program was established with a generous gift of Dr. Andrea Goldsmith in 2019. The Goldsmith Lecture will be delivered by an early-career woman researcher at one of the ITSoc’s Schools of Information Theory, held for the benefit of students and postdoctoral researchers.
Information Theory Society Paper Award
The Information Theory Society Paper Award is given annually for an outstanding publication in the fields of interest to the Society appearing anywhere during the preceding four calendar years.
Jack Keil Wolf ISIT Student Paper Award
The IEEE Jack Keil Wolf ISIT Student Paper Award is given to up to 3 outstanding papers for which a student is the principal author and presenter.
James L. Massey Research & Teaching Award for Young Scholars
The James L. Massey Research & Teaching Award for Young Scholars recognizes outstanding achievement in research and teaching by young scholars in the Information Theory community.
Padovani Lecturer
The Padovani Lecturer Program was established with a generous gift of Dr. Roberto Padovani in 2009. The Padovani Lecture will be delivered by an outstanding member of the Information Theory community at one of the ITSoc’s Schools of Information Theory, held for the benefit of students and postdoctoral researchers.
Thomas M. Cover Dissertation Award
The IEEE Information Theory Society Thomas M. Cover Dissertation Award is awarded annually to the author of an outstanding doctoral dissertation contributing to the mathematical foundations of any of the information sciences within the purview of the Society.


Jobs Board

Postdoctoral Researcher Position on Information Theory and Coding
Bilkent University

Immediate openings for postdocs on insertion/deletion channels and DNA storage at Bilkent…

Mar 3, 2023
Postdoc Positions in Wireless Communications
University of Hawaii

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Hawaii is looking for two…

Feb 22, 2023
Postdoctoral Position in Econometrics and Statistics
University of Vienna-Department of Statistics and Operations Research

The University of Vienna invites applications for a postdoctoral position in the field of…

Feb 10, 2023


Robert Calderbank - USC Viterbi Lecture, Thursday March 2, 2023

Robert Calderbank of Duke University will give the 2023 USC Viterbi Lecture on Thursday, March 2,…

Feb 28, 2023
Submission Deadline Approaching: JSAIT Issue on Role of Freshness and Semantic Measures

Call for Papers for JSAIT Issue on the Role of Freshness and Semantic Measures in the Transmission…

Feb 17, 2023
IEEE Information Theory Society Call for 2023 Award Nominations

Nominations are now open for paper awards as well as annual awards and recognition from the IEEE…

Jan 9, 2023
Aylin Yener Has Been Elected To Be the Next IEEE Division IX Director

The IT Society congratulates our Past President Aylin Yener for being elected to be the next IEEE…

Dec 22, 2022


Call for Papers: IEEE JSAC Issue on Data Storage
Submit your papers to IEEE JSAC Issue on Channel Modeling, Coding and Signal Processing for Novel Physical Memory Devices and Systems. Submission deadline April 15, 2016. Full CFP at
Feb 24, 2016
IEEE T-MBMC: Shannon Centennial Special Issue
Special issue of the IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications on Biological Applications of Information Theory, in honour of the Shannon Centennial
Feb 18, 2016
Registration for Radarconf16 open now
Radarconf16 is in Philadelphia May 2-6. "Enabling Technologies for Advances in Radar." Technical sessions will be held May 3, 4, and 5. Split between May 2 and May 6, 24 tutorials are scheduled also.
Feb 17, 2016
Postdoctoral Position at the University of Cambridge
A postdoctoral position is available at the University of Cambridge, starting July 2016.
Jan 31, 2016
Multiple PhD Positions at the University of Texas, Dallas
Multiple PhD positions to start in the Fall 2016 at the University of Texas, Dallas, in the broad area of Information Theory with emphasis in Wireless Communication, Error Control Coding, or Physical Layer Security.
Jan 29, 2016
Postdoctoral Position at the University of Illinois
Postdoctoral Position in theoretical analysis of spectrum sharing between communications and radar systems at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
Jan 27, 2016
Ph.D. studentship at the National University of Singapore in Information Theory
Ph.D. studentship at the National University of Singapore in Information Theory
Jan 25, 2016
Bell Labs Student Competition for Shannon's 100th Birthday
Bell Labs is celebrating Shannon’s 100th birthday at Bell Labs on April 28-29, and as part of the celebration we are hosting the Shannon Centennial Student Award in the area of Information Theory and Its Application.
Jan 21, 2016
Postdoctoral position at UIC
Postdoctoral opening in Prof. Besma Smida’s group - See more at:
Jan 19, 2016
ESIT 2016: registration open
European school of information theory (ESIT)
Jan 13, 2016
ISIT 2015 Shannnon Lecture and Plenary Videos Posted
Videos of the ISIT 2015 Shannon Lecture by Robert Calderbank and plenary talks by Bin Yu, Madhu Sudan, Terrence Sejnowski, and Ruediger Urbanke are available for streaming on the ITSOC Vimeo page.
Jan 7, 2016
Call for ITSoc newsletter contributions
Call for ITSoc newsletter contributions
Jan 4, 2016
A PhD position at the Technical University of Denmark.
A PhD position in information and communication theory in fiber-optical communication at DTU Fotonik
Dec 23, 2015
Call for participation
The call for participation for ESIT 2016 is now available for download. Please distribute it to potentially interested Ph.D./post-doctoral students in your department.
Dec 12, 2015
Multiple faculty openings at Iowa State Univ, ECE dept. (in all areas)
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in the College of Engineering at Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, invites applications for tenure-track or tenured faculty positions. Appointments will be considered at all experience levels.
Dec 3, 2015
ISIT 2016 - Call for Papers
ISIT 2016 paper submission is now open!
Dec 2, 2015

Past meeting

BOG Meeting - Hybrid Meeting @ ITA 2023, San Diego, California
This will be a hybrid meeting in person and on zoom in conjunction with ITA 2023.
BOG Meeting - October 2022
This will be a virtual meeting on zoom. BoG members and approved presenters will receive an invite to the meeting.
BOG Meeting - Hybrid Meeting @ ISIT 2022, Espoo, Finland
This will be a hybrid meeting in person and on zoom in conjunction with ISIT 2022.
BOG Meeting - March 2023
This will be a virtual meeting on zoom. BoG members and approved presenters will receive an invite to the meeting.
BOG Meeting - November 2021
This will be a virtual meeting on zoom. BoG members and approved presenters will receive an invite to the meeting.
BOG Meeting - June 2021
The second BOG meeting of 2021 will be held virtually on zoom. BOG members and approved presenters will receive an invite to the meeting.
BOG Meeting - March 2021
This will be a virtual meeting on zoom. BoG members and approved presenters will have received an invite to the meeting.
BOG Meeting @ New Brunswick, NJ - 2019
The third BoG Meeting of 2019 will take place at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.
BoG Meeting @ Chicago, IL 2015
Meeting will be held right after Allerton
BoG Meeting @ ISIT 2015, Hong Kong
Annual Meeting of the Information Theory Society
BoG Meeting - GlobalMeet
The BoG Meeting will be held via GlobalMeet on Saturday, September 20 (7:00 AM Pacific Time).
BoG Meeting @ ITA 2014, San Diego, CA
First BoG meeting of 2014
BoG Meeting @ ITA 2013, San Diego, CA
First BoG meeting of 2013
BoG meeting @ ITW 2012, Lausanne
Last BoG meeting of 2012.
IT BoG meeting @ ITA 2012, UCSD
Meeting of the Board of Governors
BoG Meeting @ ITW 2011, Paraty, Brazil
The third BoG meeting of 2011 will take place on ***Monday*** October 17, in Paraty Brazil, in conjunction with ITW 2011, starting at about 6:00pm with a buffet dinner at the restaurant Banana de Terra (one block away from the conference center).
BoG Meeting @ ISIT 2011, St. Petersburg, Russia
The annual BoG meeting will take place on Sunday July 31, at the ISIT 2011 conference hotel, starting at 12:00 noon **sharp** with a buffet lunch. The meeting room is "Green 6+7" and will be clearly indicated at the registration desk, operational from Sunday July 31, morning. Please follow the signs and/or ask the registration desk in order to get to the lunch and meeting.
BoG Meeting, ISIT 2010
Annual meeting of the IEEE Information Theory Society Board of Governors. All are welcome to attend. Some portions of the meeting will be conducted in camera. The formal part of the meeting will commence at 12:45pm.
BoG Meeting, La Jolla, CA, 2010
First Board of Governors' meeting of 2010.
BoG Meeting, ITW Taormina 2009
The final BoG meeting of 2009. Dinner will be served at 6:30 and the meeting will start shortly thereafter. Everyone is welcome to attend. Meeting will be held in the Saletta Belvedere room of the Villa Diodoro (workshop hotel).
BoG Meeting, ISIT 2009
Annual meeting of the Information Theory Society BOGs. Everyone is welcome to attend all or part of the meeting. The meeting will be preceeded by lunch at 12:15, with the formal meeting starting at 1pm, ending at 5:30pm.

Research In Information Theory

Selected papers on information theory from our journals and conferences

Videos on Information Theory